Trash Packs Design Your Own – TV Ad

The Problem

Moose Toys required a promotional TV commercial for their gloablly successful brand Trash Packs. They required a fast turnaround time for high impact animation to be integrated into a 15sec TV ad.

The Solution

Trash Packs are a massive brand and success for Moose Toys and iTV are proud to be part of that success.

Moose required a promotion for the Trash Pack series to help keep the momentum of the series alive. They approached iTV to produce animation and help make a still example of the ‘Trashie’ toy to come to life.

We filmed a hand in iTV’s studio in St Kilda drawing in mid-air. We then composed the hand onto a scene to simulate a fast drawing motion of the trashie. With our in-house animators and designers, we made this static image come to life!